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In a world captivated by the allure of immediate results, the concept that "People don't fail, they give up" echoes with resounding truth. The era of instant gratification, fueled by technology and a fast-paced lifestyle, often blinds us to the intricate process of success.

Coaching and developing a sales team can be a challenging task, but it's essential for the success of any business. A well-trained and motivated sales team can help drive revenue growth and increase customer satisfaction. In this blog post, we will discuss three effective ways to coach and develop a sales team.

Are you leaving it all on the field?

I was at my son’s soccer match this past week in a big game against a local rival school. The hype for the game was at its highest, both teams flexing how they were going to be the victors and doing what kids do. The game was intense both teams leaving it all out on the field, and unfortunately, we came up short. Seeing my son at the end of the game, exhausted, sweaty, and bloody there was no doubt he left it all out on the field, he had nothing more he could give.

86,400 seconds are in a day, but why do so many Executives and business professionals struggle with managing their time? Many will say that technology while making life more convenient is a deep dark abyss of someone else’s agenda that pulls our focus.

Time management is the number one issue that I hear from people today, but how can we possibly take on more when we can't even get done what we have today?

Today’s workplace environments are ever-changing, and a lot of that is contributed to the growing number of millennials entering the corporate workforce. We can either choose to fight these changes or embrace them. Knowing the way millennials operate can benefit the company and understand how to best utilize their strengths.